Recruiting and retaining medical staff has
been a significant issue in recent years. The
pressures have now escalated with a 9
inpatients medical staff ending their tenure at
Daisy Hill hospital in the last 12 months.
The dire medical staffing situation which is
putting inpatient medical services, particularly
at Daisy Hill Hospital at risk.
Similar recruitment/retention issues being
experienced in primary care, with a number of
GP surgeries facing difficulties in sustaining
their practices.
This is an urgent situation, particularly as
many services are delivered by a small
number of consultants, putting them under
much greater pressure.
Implementing plans to deal with the situation
will mean significant changes to the size and
profile of medical beds/wards in Daisy Hill
Significant investment will be needed to
upscale community health and social care
services in all our communities but particularly
in Newry and Mourne area, to better ensure
that people who don't need to be in hospital
are properly cared for at home and less beds
are required in hospital.