Ensuring patient safety, supporting our staff's psychological safety,
maintaining a Type 1 24/7 Emergency Department at Daisy Hill and
providing alternatives to hospital admission close to home remain our
absolute priorities.
Understandably some staff at Daisy Hill and also Craigavon are anxious
about the anticipated changes to our acute hospital network. A Trustwide
approach, involving staff from both sites is integral to addressing our current
issues and everyone's contribution is greatly welcomed.
Whilst there may be changes to the way we all work, there is a job and work
for everyone and indeed many opportunities through these new, innovative
ways of working.
We are ambitious for Daisy Hill. We are developing new and evidence based
21st Century models of care for the population of Newry and Mourne and
beyond. The ambitious plan for Daisy Hill aims to prevent and reduce
inpatient medical admissions.