Regulation Group
A four-session programme in which we will use a framework called the 'The Zones of
Regulation' which aims to teach children strategies to help them to identify their emotions
and cope with these feelings so they can get back to feeling calm and ready to learn. These
coping strategies are called 'self-regulation'. We will explore 'regulation tools' and build an
individualised toolkit that can be used at home and at school.
.breathe is a four-session programme aimed at the school 'transition' years of primary 6/7. It can
be taught as part of a broader Personal, Health, Social and Emotional Education (PSHE)
curriculum. It is an opportunity to explore mindfulness and ways in which this may help children
support themselves in the highs and lows of adolescent life.
We are looking schools to register their interest for running pilot groups for
Key Stage 2 within the 3rd term (April to June). Any programmes facilitated
will require the presence / support of a classroom assistant or teacher for the
Calm & Connect
Based on the Sunshine Circle group theraplay, is a four-session programme which focuses on
the development of healthy peers relationships and can be completed in a group format in
schools. Calm and connect consists of adult directed, structured play therapy based groups that
incorporates playful, cooperative and nurturing activities to enhance emotional wellbeing of
Register you interest for Key Stage 2 Pilot Groups
Contact or 028 375 64293 to register your interest.
We will be compiling a waiting list for any request which cannot be facilitated in term 3.
'Pilot small groups for Key Stage 2'
Calm & Connect'